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Dick Borkowski

Bill Connors

Herman Frazier

Andy Hafele

Steff Kruck

Sean Landeta

John McArdle

Rick Mellor

Joe Regan

Larry Shane

Jack Smith


Dick Borkowski

Bill Connors

Herman Frazier

Andy Hafele

Steff Kruck

Sean Landeta

John McArdle

Rick Mellor

Joe Regan

Larry Shane

Jack Smith

hof liberty bell.png

(seated L to R): Joe Kaiser, Carmen Betoni, John Parsons, Veronica Smyth Snyder, Ted Cushmore, 

Rob Holiday, Keita Crespina 

(standing): Marty Jackson, Steve DiSangro, Jim Ambrosius, Sharrif Floyd, Bob Lynch, William A. Lamb, III


Jim Abrosius

Carmen Betoni

Keita Crespina

Ted Cushmore

Steve DiSangro

Sharrif Floyd

Rob Holiday

Marty Jackson

Joe Kaiser

William A. Lamb III

Bob Lynch

John Parsons

Veronica Smyth Snyder


Craig Conlin
Lou DeCree
Dennis DeMayo
Joe Griesser
Joe Hand
Mike Hawkins
Steve Kane
Mike Koplove
Kathy Lonergan
Dave Mastropietro
Dr. Anthony Salem

(L to R): Lou DeCree, Dave Mastropietro, Dr. Anthony Salem, Mike Hawkins, Kathy Lonergan, Craig Conlin
Missing from photo: Dennis DeMayo, Joe Griesser, Joe Hand, Mike Koplove

Jerry Brindisi
Mike Lake
Frank 'Roscoe' Natale
Harvey 'Brew' Schumer


(L to R): Frank 'Roscoe' Natale, Havery 'Brew' Schumer, Mike Lake, Jerry Brindisi

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